The Center for Biblical Studies Book Award
The Center for Biblical Studies is pleased to announce the winners and runner-ups of the Center for Biblical Studies Book Award 2021 in the categories of Old Testament, New Testament, and Biblical Theology.
You can read about the finalists for each category: Old Testament, New Testament, and Biblical Theology. Please note that the CBS Book of the Year will be announced on Monday, February 21, 2022.
The CBS would like to thank our panel of distinguished jurors: Jason DeRouchie, Peter Gentry, Greg Goswell, and Miles Van Pelt (OT); Patrick Schreiner, Andreas Köstenberger, Jeannine Brown, and Craig Blomberg (NT); and Andreas Köstenberger, James Hamilton, Daniel Hays, Matthew Harmon, and L. Michael Morales (BT). We have included endorsements from our jurors for each respective winner and runner-up.
We would also like to thank our sponsoring publishers: Baker Academic, Baylor University Press, B&H Academic, Crossway Books, Wm. B. Eerdmans, Oxford University Press, InterVarsity Academic, Lexham Press, Westminster John Knox, and Zondervan Academic. We congratulate each of the authors for their outstanding work.
Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide
By Gary Edward Schnittjer
Published by Zondervan Academic
“Schnittjer’s thorough study is unparalleled in scope and stands as a remarkable achievement in the way he faithfully evaluates leading examples of biblical exegesis of Scripture case by case and book by book through the entire Old Testament. This exceptional tool uses the Old Testament’s natural interconnectivity to aid Christian biblical interpretation for students and ministers alike.”
—Jason DeRouchie, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Conspicuous in His Absence: Studies in the Song of Songs and Esther
By Chloe T. Sun
Published by IVP Academic
“Conspicuous by his Absence by Chloe Sun is in many ways a profound and subtle book. It is full of insights and careful reasoning. Sun’s study will assist in the wise use and application of two often-neglected OT books that are important and much-needed resources for the church at the present time.”
—Gregory Goswell, Christ College, Sydney
The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (NICOT)
By Thomas Renz
Published by Eerdmans
“Thomas Renz’s NICOT commentary on Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah fills an obvious gap in scholarship and will assist the use of these often underrated prophetic mini-books. The study of the biblical text by Renz is extremely thorough and informed by current scholarship, but always clear, faithful and insightful.”
—Gregory Goswell, Christ College, Sydney
Dr. Renz would like to dedicate this award to his Doktorvater, Gordon Wenham.
The Book of Jeremiah (NICOT)
By John Goldingay
Published by Eerdmans
“While any commentator in the NICOT series could be forgiven for prioritizing detailed exegetical acumen over clarity and freshness, John Goldingay needs no such absolution. His considerable insights on the text of Jeremiah are communicated in lucid and bright prose, resulting in an accessible and important guide to this complex book.”
—Jeannine Brown, Bethel University
Our Brother Beloved: Purpose and Community in Paul’s Letter to Philemon
By Stephen E. Young
Published by Baylor University Press
“After a thorough and judicious review of almost every approach ever taken to Philemon, Young proposes a view that is enough of a modification of old ones to be a real contribution to scholarship yet not so different as to be incredible. The implications for the church and our dealings with contemporary slaves of all kinds are profound and wide-reaching.”
—Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary
The Paradox of Sonship
By R. B. Jamieson
Published by IVP Academic
“Jamieson does what few do. He gives a careful exegetical reading but employs the grammar of the Creeds to enlighten the text. Rather than simply drawing theological conclusions from the text, he uses theology to read the text. The result is refreshing and clarifying.”
—Patrick Schreiner, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation: A Commentary and Guide
By Jeffrey A. D. Weima
Published by Baker Academic
“I have come to know Weima as a careful reader of the Scripture who is not beholden to typical tropes. He is willing to question conclusions that obscure the text rather than enlighten it.”
—Patrick Schreiner, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ (Biblical Theology of the New Testament)
By Douglas J. Moo
Published by Zondervan Academic
“Moo draws upon his decades of carefully studying Paul’s letters to produce a faithful and comprehensive guide to the life, ministry, and theology of the apostle that is grounded in the text and informed by a masterful grasp of the secondary literature. For years to come, this will be a go-to resource for pastors, scholars, and serious students of the Bible.”
—Matthew Harmon, Grace Theological Seminary
Changed into His Likeness: A Biblical Theology of Personal Transformation (NSBT)
By J. Gary Millar
Published by IVP Academic
“Gary Millar’s work is exegetically convincing and accessible to a wide audience. The length is a particular strength as well, as the book comes at a digestible size.”
—James Hamilton, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary