Welcome to the Center for Biblical Studies

Welcome to the Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary. The Center exists to engage in biblical scholarship for the church—for pastors and serious students of Scripture committed to the authority of God’s Word.

Regrettably, there is often a divide between the academic world and the church, between biblical scholars and people in our churches. I say “regrettably” because, rightly understood, biblical scholarship exists for the church, to help us worship God and study his Word more accurately.

Toward this end, I started BiblicalFoundations.org over a decade ago to provide biblical resources on a variety of topics, including Biblical Theology, Hermeneutics, John’s Gospel, and Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The Center for Biblical Studies further extends this work to serve the Midwestern community and others both locally and globally by producing quality content that exhibits both scholarly excellence and biblical fidelity.

Much of our work at the Center will be hosted on this website where we will be publishing articles, blogs, book notices, and other resources related to the field of biblical studies. Rather than being driven by the latest trends or publications, our website will be oriented around a set of core topics, with a focus on Old and New Testament studies and Biblical Theology. In conjunction with our website, we will also be hosting a podcast called Biblical Foundations where we will seek to engage important issues in biblical scholarship.

Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to the days ahead at the Center for Biblical Studies.

Andreas J. Köstenberger, Ph.D.



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  1. James Due

    Wonderful. I look forward to watching this unfold. We will be praying for you in this endeavor. May God be glorified.

  2. Gary

    It is great to see so much for the local church being produced by MBTS and it’s faculty! I look forward to seeing the results of much research.

  3. Peter Keough

    Outstanding site focused on a much needed area – Biblical studies and theology ‘for the church.’

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