The Parables of Jesus In our book Invitation to Biblical Interpretation, we define a parable as “a short narrative that demands a response from the hearer” (426). Parables are realistic in that they do not contain fanciful elements that would be found in myths or fairy tales, yet they are not true stories like historical narratives.
Introduction to Hebrews Throughout this blog series, we’ve been exploring introductory matters related to the book of Hebrews. Thus far, we’ve tried to detect clues within the letter as it pertains to the identity of the author and the central message of the book. In the final post of this series, we’ll turn our attention […]
Introduction to Hebrews In the first post of this series, I likened the task of biblical interpretation to the work of a detective meticulously searching for clues and evidence. When it comes to the Bible, I noted that exploring introductory matters can greatly help us in our interpretation just as a composite sketch of a suspect […]
Introduction to Hebrews Recently, I was given the task of introducing the book of Hebrews at Randolph Street Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia. Over the next few posts, I’d like to explore introductory matters related to this important book. I believe knowing the background, that is, the historical setting, the literary design, and the major […]
Proclamation & Application For pastors, the application of Scripture is a process that begins with preparation. Perhaps this seems like a daunting task to pastors. It often feels as if the job is never done; visitations, crisis management, weddings, funerals, and births all require significant time investments. Nevertheless, the pastor must be diligent to devote […]
Getting Our Theology from the Bible Biblical theology seeks to discern meaning from the biblical authors themselves. This task is often called the “historical task” because the meaning given by the biblical author is thoroughly embedded in a history. Moreover, in Invitation to Biblical Interpretation we say that the task of biblical theology is “to study […]